AI Fabric retraining ML skill and licensing


I’m playing around with the AI Fabric on a Enterprise Trial license, so I have 1 AI robot license.
As I under stand it 1 licence provided 1 running pipeline or up to 2 active ML skills (I would like to have a running pipeline and an active ML skill)

I have set up one ML Package and done a full pipeline run and then set up a ML skill.
My question is, is it possible with 1 license to have a active ML skill and retrain it at the same time or must I remove the ML skill every time I want to update it with new data?

Is there an automate this with 1 licence or does this require 2 licenses?

Hi @SindreO,
Your understanding is correct, you need to have 2 licenses if you want one deployed ML Skill and retrain the ML Package in parallel. This is exactly why we provide 2 AI Robots in all trial. Are you splitting your 2 licenses in two different tenant? If not just make sure that you allocate the two AI Robots to this tenant and you will be able to do what you describe.



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