I have been trying to add Swedish to Tesseract OCR according to this tutorial: Installing OCR Languages
However, the installation location has changed with the latest version of Uipath Studio and the tessdata folder doesn’t exist in the new install location.
The new location for the Uipath installation is:
But the tessdata folder isn’t there and there’s no sign of UiPath in the Program Files directories. So where do I put the new language files?
I am currently running UiPath on a PC with Windows 10.
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well may i know what is the folder path that you have saved now with the new language installation file, as it should be done with file in the tessdata folder of the UiPath installation directory ( C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\tessdata ).
The location has indeed changed (we will update the documentation, thanks for bringing it up).
The tessdata folder now resides in C:\Users\<user>\.nuget\packages\UiPath.Vision\<Version>\build\tessdata
The Version could be anything from 1.3.0 to 1.6.0 depending on what Studio & UIAutomation you have installed in your project.
The best way to determine this is to check the dependency for UiPath.Vision of the UiPath.UIAutomation package inside your project. (See the image below)
Most likely you will only have just one package version