Can't install OCR Chinese by activity "Get OCR Text"

Dear Friends
Can’t install OCR Chinese by activity “Get OCR Text”, I have read the previous guide, but it seems now work in window 10 system
Installing OCR Languages (

  1. My uipath was install under
    “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\UiPath", but not"C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\tessdata”
    May I know where to save the dowload file
  2. I have tried to create new folder named < tessdata> under "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\UiPath" but still failed,may I know how to fix the issue? thanks!

HI @liyang51999

Check out this thread


Thanks I have tried and fail again,


Do you already have trainneddata for your language? If yes, can you try as the following?

Windows project

First, create folder tessdata under c:\Users[AccountName]\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio if it doesn’t exist.

Then put xxx.traineddata file to the tessdata folder.

Finally, restart your Studio.

Windows Legacy project

First, create folder tessdata under c:\Users[AccountName]\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\net461 if it doesn’t exist.

Then put xxx.traineddata file to the tessdata folder.

Finally, restart your Studio.


Dear Yoichi

Many thanks! After copy language file to your suggest path. I can use Screen Scraping to OCR Chinese now.

But still cannot use activity “Get OCR Text”, error message as following, “Get OCR Text ‘A #/parent/adduser’: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.”
Could you kindly suggest,did I miss anything thank you!


For now, can you check if you use double quote except " (0x22) character? If yes, can you try to retype them as " or copy & paste " character?


yes, I chang to"chi_sim"works now. it is Double Quotation issue. Great thanks!

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