Adding another language to OCR


I have found this post on adding another language to OCR:
“Download the trained data language file from
save file “uipath installation directory”/tessdata eg: C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\tessdata
restart uipath studio”

However when I run UnitPath (communicty edition), I always click UipathStudio.exe and under C:\Program Files (x86), there is nothing (no installation directory). In addition I have some other place on C: (ProgramData) and there I can see additionally installed activities (like excel activity pack)

Can please somebody share how to add more languages to UiPath, so that I can use them in OCR?

Thanks in advance

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You can check the following path. It should also contain the training data for English language.

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\tessdata""

Paste the downloaded training data file in this location and restart the UiPath Studio.

The new language must be listed down when going for OCR.




I have the same problem of @osav and I try to check the path metioned by @rajat.pandey and I don’t found in my computer.

Can anyone help?
