Installation of multiple robots on one windows server

Please is it possible for multiple robots to be installed on one window server?
If possible, please how can I go about it?

Yes it is possible when you have mutilple users on one windows server. Suppose I have Window server and 20 users can login in that server then you can configure 20 Robots.

  1. Install UiPath Orchestrator: UiPath Orchestrator is a web application that provides centralized management and control for your robots. Install UiPath Orchestrator on the Windows Server by following the installation guide provided by UiPath.
  2. Configure UiPath Orchestrator: Once Orchestrator is installed, configure it according to your requirements. This includes setting up users, roles, permissions, and defining the necessary environments and queues for your robots.
  3. Install UiPath Robot: Install UiPath Robot on the Windows Server by running the UiPathStudio.msi installer file. During the installation, choose the “Robot” option and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  4. Configure UiPath Robot: After installation, launch UiPath Robot and connect it to your UiPath Orchestrator instance. Provide the necessary connection details, such as Orchestrator URL and credentials, to establish the connection.
  5. Register Robots: In UiPath Orchestrator, navigate to the Robots page and register each robot by providing a unique name and machine key. The machine key can be obtained from the UiPath Robot settings.
  6. Create Robot Environments: In UiPath Orchestrator, create separate environments to group your robots based on their functionality or requirements. This allows you to assign specific processes or jobs to different groups of robots.
  7. Assign Robots to Environments: Once the robots and environments are set up, assign the registered robots to their respective environments. This ensures that the robots are associated with the correct processes and can execute the assigned automation tasks.
  8. Publish Processes: In UiPath Studio, develop your automation processes (workflows) and publish them to Orchestrator. This makes the processes available for execution by the registered robots.
  9. Schedule and Execute Jobs: In UiPath Orchestrator, create jobs and schedule them based on your requirements. Assign the appropriate processes and robots to the jobs. The Orchestrator will handle the execution of the jobs by dispatching them to the corresponding robots.
    Here is Documentation:

Wow, this is so descriptive and well explained, thank you so much, @raja.arslankhan
I’ll follow each step and let you know the outcome.

Please one more clarification:

This is a manual scenario:
Suppose I have one window server and 2 users, for example, and the one user requires the other user to be logged out before it can be used, can this also be used for all you’ve explained earlier?

If not, do I need to configure each user to work independent of the other either signed in or not?

@DamilolaAdeogun Yeah Sure.
If you have one Windows Server with multiple users and one user requires the other user to be logged out before they can use it, the scenario becomes more complex. UiPath, or any other RPA software, cannot directly control the user sessions on a Windows Server. However, there are a few approaches you can consider:

  1. Separate User Sessions: Configure the Windows Server to allow separate user sessions. This means that each user can have their own independent session on the server. In this case, you would need to ensure that each user has their own set of installed software, including the RPA software, and their own configurations. Each user can then work independently without interfering with each other’s sessions.
  2. Time-Scheduled Automation: If you have specific time windows when one user needs exclusive access, you can schedule the automation tasks accordingly. For example, you can schedule the automation tasks for the user who requires exclusive access to run when the other user is not actively using the system.
  3. Collaboration and Communication: Implement a system where the users can communicate and coordinate with each other. For example, the user who requires exclusive access can notify the other user to log out before starting their automation tasks. This would require a manual collaboration process between the users to ensure that there are no conflicts.

Note: As you mentioned scenario, you can’t run any process on both users with same time. It will disturb your process to run it. It will run only one other will logout


Thank you once again for your well explained answers. I really appreciate it.

I’ll have to check them out and see which works fine.

Thank you so much @raja.arslankhan

Always welcome and Thanks you for kind words. Yes It seems quite long configuration process but when you will configure it, you will really enjoy it. Best Of Luck :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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You don’t install robots. Robots are users that log into (RDP) the server. You can assign multiple robots to one server as long as you have enough licenses.


Thank you for your response @postwick

“You can assign multiple robots to one server as long as you have enough licenses.”

Does this mean, if I have multiple windows instances, I can assign each robot and one license to a window instance as long as the window instances are independent of each other?

additional information for you @DamilolaAdeogun

Windows servers allow you to use 2 FreeRDP Sessions.

FreeRDP Sessions


Thank you for your reply @irahmat

So simple yet a bit complicated, thank you for the link also.

I wish I could see a video tutorial explaining it step by step.

Yes you can have each robot (user) assigned to multiple servers. We have 14 robots (users) and 6 servers, so we can run 84 jobs at a time.

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