Insights Authentication Error


We are getting the following error after installing insights on our production environment (2023.10 Standalone on-premise). We’ve succesfully installed on our DEV environment and all settings seem to be the same so we’re quite lost. Any help is welcome!

Category: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddleware
RequestPath: /insights/api/TenantLanguage

An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.

HTTP Response:

{“message”:“You are not authenticated!”,“errorCode”:0,“result”:null,“targetUrl”:null,“success”:false,“error”:{“code”:0,“message”:“You are not authenticated!”,“details”:“You should be authenticated (sign in) in order to perform this operation.”,“validationErrors”:null},“unAuthorizedRequest”:true,“__abp”:true}

OrchestratorCommon.Orchestrator.ApiException: The HTTP status code of the response was not expected (401).

Our previous error was solved by setting all Tenant Keys in the Orchestrator Database to lowercase. This resulted in a working Insights module on DEV. For PRD this led to the above error.

Thank you in advance!