I know we have Set bookmark Content activity for Word application which takes text/string as input but I would like to insert an image at bookmark section.
Add Image activity will also not work as it add image at end of document.
I know we have Set bookmark Content activity for Word application which takes text/string as input but I would like to insert an image at bookmark section.
Add Image activity will also not work as it add image at end of document.
Maybe this will help out. You might have to install “AHKActivities” , see
Florent’s post near the bottom
and the “Run Auto Hot Key Script” activity if you don’t already have it.
Here’s some before-and-after pics and all the files.
You will have to adapt file paths and names for your system! It won’t be difficult.
Docx before:
Docx after:
And the files (.xaml is also in the zip archive):
InsertImageInDocxBookmark.zip (103.1 KB)
InsertImageInWordBookmark-1.xaml (6.2 KB)
My system: Win7, Office 2016 64-bit
Good luck!