Add image on word document

Hi I try to add an image at the end of the word document. when I do this with “Add picture” activity with “End” as position this was put at the end of the text and non at the end of the sheet.

How can I add the image to the end of the word sheet?

With add picture itself you can add a picture in a specified Word document at a specified position relative to a text or bookmark.

In that activity u can find a property called BookMark - Click Plus on the right side of the field, and then, from the menu, select Text to enter the name of the bookmark relative to which to add the image in the Text Builder. Alternatively, choose one of the other available options in menu to indicate the bookmark name

With that u can place image at required position

Hope this helps

Cheers @Giorgia_Giannelli

what should I write in bookmark to indicate that the image must be added to the end of the last sheet? @Palaniyappan

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HI @Giorgia_Giannelli

  1. Use the “Insert Picture” activity to add the image to the document. Ensure that the “Position” property is set to “End” as you mentioned.

  2. After adding the picture, you may need to move the cursor to the end of the document to ensure it is placed on a new page. To do this, you can use the “Send Hotkey” activity with the hotkey combination “Ctrl+End” (simulating pressing the “Ctrl” and “End” keys simultaneously). This key combination usually takes the cursor to the end of the document.

Check this out on replacing bookmark
Around 11:09 mins


when I manage documents I don’t know in advance the number of pages that will be written but I have to tell the program to add the image to the end of the last sheet, whatever it may be @Palaniyappan .
for this reason I think it is not useful to use bookmarks

Be it end of the test or end of the sheet, it can be achieved with add pictures itself
Bookmark can support if u want to place image at specific position

what I have to do is convert n .txt files into n word files and at the end for each of these I have to add an image at the end of the sheet, I can’t use bookmark @Palaniyappan

Does insert picture work differently than add picture?
and I tried send hotkey but it doesn’t work @vinitha_yachamaneni

May I know why it can’t be added
It makes ur work easy
Can u elaborate that

How can I set a bookmark? Since at the beginning I start from a .txt file and I don’t have a word file on which to place the bookmark @Palaniyappan

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