Input data on table row on browser

i have case like this,

already use for each row in datatable, then type into to Color Code, Color Name,and the rest
when input second item, its nothing happen, then eror.
So how i need to do to make sure RPA working on the second line,
And for row its dynamic, in this example only 4 rows, in others it can be 2,3,5,6,7,etc rows.

this selector like below


on the second line like below

is the increment for tablerow happening properly?

Yes, its depending how data needed, it can be 4 rows, more or less.

Are you getting selector not found error?

provide tableRow value in selector as a variable , which increases after each loop and provide the aaname

yes, but how to do that, i’m still confused…

When try to input to second line, they still input in the first line.

it should input to the next row. but it still on first row.

This is because you are not incrementing the row in the selector

If you can share the wf file …will update the same.

ok, so what i need to do, please advise, many thanks.
below, what i created.

Sequence.xaml (13.2 KB)

Sequence (1).xaml (13.8 KB)
Check if the attched wf works

still eror

Sequence (1).xaml (14.2 KB)
Try this updated one

still same

Sequence (1).xaml (14.2 KB)
Check this

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Type Into ‘INPUT color_code’: The selector is not valid

still eror

can you show the error

check if the row is getting incremented properly