Indicate on screen not working

The logic why use wildcard?
i wrote a mini essay on that, hope this helps you to understand why using “*” wildcard makes the selector dynamic and validate it

no worries mate! you are not spamming!

you can post multiple images in one post also, just upload at once or one by one, it’ll work. Appreciate to keep minimum number of post if possible.

You can assign those name in the config and separate it by “,”

Read the config element in a variable, strNames
Use a variable to store the array variable, arrVar, strNames.Split(“,”)

Then use for each loop for arrVar
then in that use assign activity to store the name of the file in loop, store in a variable, strNameInLoop = row.toString

after this have your activities
and inside the selector, in name attribute, use aaname = ‘{{strNameInLoop}}’

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