In using Maximize win there is no capturing option?

As I am opening the folder then use Maximize activity, how can I use it

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Once you open the application with either open application or start process, use maximize window activity that would automatically maximize the above attached window

hope this would help you


Yes I did the same but it’s not maximize the window, see the error it shows me

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Buddy if possible can i see the screenshot of that container in process



Fine buddy just add a click activity with element clicking the window you want to open and place this click before the maximize window…
The reason why the maximize is not is, its not able to find which window to maximise as we just open the window with run command and type into

Or instead of using run command use open application or start process (if its a file) and place this maximize window activity inside the consider as a very first activity


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Not work dude

Can i see the xaml once if possible may be full folder a zipped one

Its easy buddy
we can sort this out


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shared bro

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You can try other way: Take Attach Window activity and indicate that window also create one variable of type window to that. And then pass that variable into Maximize Window activity to maximize the window. Hope this helps.

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