In Reframework how get Transaction Data flow works?

I am new to uipath and I’m not able to understand how GetTransaction data flow works. I’m simply fetching data from excel file and putting this data into UIDemo application. Since, the transaction item starts from 0 in case of excel so I put the following condition in IF block:


But inside “Then” condition in If block few log fields are there. Please explain these fields also let me know what value we have to put inside those fields?

It is basically populating Transaction variables if there is data there to be processed in io_TransactionData. out_TransactionItem will typically be a datarow from this table or a queue item if using Orchestrator. Within this TransactionItem are details you will be using in your workflow. You may not use all of them so just output those that you do need, e.g. out_TransactionField1 = out_TransactionItem.Item(“ColumnA”).tostring

These details then become your next transaction to be sent for processing in the next step.

Based on the IF condition, it is assumed there are no more transactions if the TransactionNumber, which is incremented after each item is processed, reaches a number higher than the number of rows in your Transactions Data Table, io_TransactionData

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please explain once more


Get Transaction Data - how it works:

  1. The robot first checks if there are more items in the queue or other data source by calling the GetTransactionItem method of the queue object.
  2. If there are more items in the queue, the robot retrieves the next transaction item by assigning the result of GetTransactionItem to a variable.
  3. The transaction item typically contains information about the task that the robot needs to perform, such as the name of a file to process, a customer ID to look up, or a URL to visit.
  4. If the transaction item includes images or other non-text data, the robot may use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or other image processing techniques to extract text or other information from the images.
  5. The robot may also perform additional validation or processing on the transaction data, such as checking for required fields or transforming the data into a different format.
  6. Once the transaction data has been processed and validated, the robot returns it to the calling workflow for further processing.

Now for the arguments in the condition - they are variable fields and can be use to hold values that you might want to use later in your flow if you need limited data from the Transaction Item. But if your flow is utilizing all of the values from Transaction Item, its better to use “In_TransactionItem” as In Argument of Type UiPath.Core.QueueItem.
