Importing nupkg

I cannot find any tutorial on how to import nupkg file into the project.
Could you please help me?

Thank you,


Place the nupkg in a folder x…

Then go to manage packages and click on settings…there provide the folder path where the nupkg is placed and give a name and click on add…

Then the particular folder will be added as a package source…

Now click on the name that you see on left side and then you shpuld be able to see the nupkg present inside it…

Then you can click on install and the pckage hgets added

Hope this helps


Thank you for your reply.
I did all up to:
Then you can click on install - where, what should I install?


Can you confirm youa dded the folder or you added the file directly?

And can you please remove the filters

And one thing that you can confirm is that do you know if the nupkg is compatible with windows or windows legacy?

If it is windows legacy then the project you create also should have the same compatibilty…which can be selected when creating a new project


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I found the install button, but it looks like packages from the marketplace are not usable.


What it says is that the package is compatible only with windows-legacy…

So if you want to use it…then create a new project and select windows-legacy then you can use this package


Currently I believe your package is selected under windows compatibility


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Thank you @Anil_G for helping me to save a day :slightly_smiling_face:
It is working for me

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