Hi I am testing Uipath during my internship, and I have faced a bit of a problem. I found a tutorial on youtube, where a user is using the webrecorder to type in information on a website. He is then selecting a csv file, where the data from the csv file is to be uploaded on the webpage.
The webrecorder did not work for me for some reason, so I used an other method. Then I made a CSV file, and I tried to get Uipath to upload the data to a website, but it throws an error in the “for each row”.
I have made a variable, but I cant seem to make it work(I made it as a datatable)
This is what it looks like now. I think I read, that you cannot have an element, and a selector at the same time. If it is the element as in the picture, which is the problem, then I dont know, What I have to type in as variable?