I am not able to connect to the orchestrator

I have installed the UiPathStudio and have an account in the https://demo.uipath.com too.
I have assigned the Robot, Environment and the Machine.
I have assigned the values in the UIRobot also but the status is showing as Robot Unavailable.

Please find the attached screenshot for the same and help me to resolve the issue asap


Can you go the below location and start uirobot.exe application


And is the machine name and key is same as in orchestrator

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Hi @anil5

I have executed the same and yes I’m taking the right keys and name

I have a doubt…do we need to do any installation for orchestrator ?

No, no need to install anything for orchestrator.

Can you disconnect the robot and try to connect again and if it’s still not working provide the screenshots of robot and machine.


What is the machine name in orchestrator



Not there, in orchestrator what is the machine name

And the domain\username , you got from cmd by typing whoami

Yes using WHOAMI

Machine name is different in orchestrator and orchestrator settings in robot tray.

Machine name should be same, use ACMETemplate in orchestrator settings in robot tray

The machine name is appearing by default (I mean automatically), I am not able to change it

Remove the machine in orchestrator and create a new machine with same name as in orchestrator settings in uipath robot tray and then update the machine key also in robot tray.

Disconnect and run robot.exe and then try to connect and is the machine key same in both places.

After you deleted machine, did you create a new robot.

Yes its same in both. You can see the screenshot.
I don’t know why the Machine name is by default appearing as “STC” which is actually my domain name.



While creating the robot are you using the new Updated Machine name and are you providing the correct password.

Can you send screenshot of robot like the below one

I believe, I am doing something wrong while creating ROBOT. Now i observe that , i can enter any domain\username and it is accepting it

Btw am not in Domain, I am in workgroup but WhoAmI replies “stc\qa”

I am new user of this forum , so my limit is over , I cannot reply more today. But why in my system it is not showing the machine name ?What could be the reason ? any idea

The robots page look like this with the machine name, i cant see machine name in your screenshot

As you are in group just provide the username

That should not happen, can you login to platform.uipath.com and login with with same username and password and check for machine name in robot section