I have the following case:
We are doing development in which we are receiving client data from Microsoft NAV 2013 via Web Service.
The client create Web Service directed to their test environment. The endpoint is http://*.local:7748/*Test/OData/. I have tested to receive data with activity for HTTP request. Authentication is basic, everything was fine. Tested it via SoapUI, I’m receiving everything correctly.
Then we started migration to live Web Service. The endpoint is with little difference (there is HTTPS) - https://:7048//OData/.
And then there is something I cannot explain. I’m testing to receive data with excel(Data->Get data->From other sources->Odata feed ->putting the endpoint->Authenticate(domain\usernam and password) and everything is fine). I’m testing to receive data with SoapUI rest service → putting the endpoint → basic authentication ->username, domain and password->all data is received successfully.
Then I’m going in UiPath and nothing. First there was error with status code 0. I checked and thier certificate was expired. They renew the certificate, then I started to receive status code 400 and following response:
“<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><m:error xmlns:m=”“http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata”“><m:code /><m:message xml:lang=”“en-US”“>The server has rejected the client credentials.</m:message></m:error>”
. I checked and the status code 400 is for Bad Request, but the response is saying the server has rejected client credentials.
Also I tried to add certificate in the activity →
When I opened endpoint via IE and checked certificate I tried to get the path of the certificate and add it to ClientCertificate(but I don’t know how to get the password for it). I’m assuming I don’t need, because via Excel and SoapUI everything is working automatically, only with credentials. Don’t need to put and additional certificates and etc.
Can someone help me or guide me what to search?