HTML formatting of Outlook email body in UI Path

Hello all,

I am using a SendOutlookMail activity and when the email is sent by the activity I get this in the body:

Hello KAD Supervisors, I have run the disposal letter process for today. Please proceed to [\\sites\CRC-Dept\KAD\Disposal](file:///\\sites\CRC-Dept\KAD\Disposal) Letters\ to see and attach the PDFs to GEMA. Please remember ensure that the value in GEMA is not greater than $200.00 USD and please remember to remove these from the KAD Disposal Ishare. When done with each PDF, please either delete the PDF or move it to the Failed uploads or Uploaded To GEMA folders. Thank you!

What I want is this in Arial 10:

Hello KAD Supervisors,

I have run the disposal letter process for today. Please proceed to

\\sites\CRC-Dept\KAD\Disposal Letters\

to see and attach the PDFs to GEMA. Please remember ensure that the value in GEMA is not greater than $200.00 USD and please remember to remove these from the KAD Disposal Ishare. When done with each PDF, please either delete the PDF or move it to the Failed uploads or Uploaded To GEMA folders. Thank you!

How can I get this cleaned up better looking result? I know nothing about HTML

Thank you

I recommend looking at the html tutorials on W3 Schools. HTML Tutorial

That taught me everything I know about html. Additionally if you were to:
click f12 in your browser
then ctrl + shift + c
then click on your formatted text above, you can see the basic html structure that the forum uses to create your post.

@zwils0 - Thank you! That worked well. I wasn’t able to get the font size and style I needed because those use parentheses and I think that confuses UIPath but I will settle for Times 12

Thank you!

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