When trying to interact with IE’s “Save As…” dropdown, I discovered in this thread that we must uncheck “Simulate Click” and “Windows Messages” in order for the “Save As” item to be clicked.
My understanding is that this is called “Hardware Events”, and the screen where the robot is running must be visible for any “Hardware Event” activity to work properly.
My question:
What if the only way you can automate something is by using “Hardware Events”, but your desire is to use Orchestrator → Robot VM to run the process? In this circumstance… the robot VM screen will not be “unlocked” and visible. From my experience, these “Hardware Events” fail in that case.
Is there any way to run “Hardware Events” on a locked VM… or are you somehow forcing the robot VM screen to be visible (without a human logging in manually) during execution?
Alternately… if we did this particular step in Chrome instead of IE… would we still be facing the need to use hardware events?