How to use datatable row as transaction in Reframework

Hi All,
i am using Re-framework in one of my project and getting data into excel file in a particular folder which i need to process.

So i am exporting excel data into datatable(into get transaction data stage) and want to make transaction of each datatable row further. By default this is configured on queue bases and type of transaction item is queue. How i can change this to datatable row.
Can any one provide solution of this. Thank You.

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we can pass those transactions as DataRow variable of type System.Data.DataRow across workflows as arguments

Cheers @Techypanduit

i tried this but this is not working. There is “get transaction item” in “GetTransactionData” xaml. How to set that. It’s asking for queue name as input.


Can you provide a reframework flow So that i can understand.

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If we are not using Queues then we don’t need to use Get Transaction Item activity it evens its State or sequence of activities involved
Kindly have a view on this thread

Cheers @Techypanduit