How to Store Queue Items into Datatable

I am very new to Orchestrator Queues

I am successfully grabbing the items from the Orchestrator Queue seen in below screen shot.

Below i copied the captured queue transitions data to clipboard to display the data i need to store in a data table is captured.

Where im struggling is how to add each of the ‘Https://…’ address (highlighted in yellow above) to a data table

Any and all help would be much appreciated

Once @Waterfowl_Waterfowl_hunte you got the item you need to store the data in data table then later on you push this data into database using UiPath SQL Activities

  • Add a “Get Queue Items” Activity: This retrieves items from the desired queue and stores them in a Queue variable.
  • Create a DataTable: Use the “Build Data Table” activity to define the columns in your DataTable. Each column should correspond to the data you want to extract from the Queue Items.
  • Use a “For Each Row” Loop: Loop through each Queue Item retrieved in step 1.
  • Add Data to a Row: Inside the loop, use the “Add Data Row” activity to create a new row in the DataTable.
  • Extract Data from Queue Item: For each column in your DataTable, use appropriate methods to extract the corresponding data from the current Queue Item. This might involve accessing properties of the QueueItem object.
  • Add Extracted Data to Row: Use the “Add Data Row” activity’s properties to specify the extracted data for each column in the new row being added to the DataTable.


Inside the loop in add datarow in the arrayrow field give like this


Then after loop use write range and give the datatable created there and a file

I hope you are latest version of studio…if not…in the for loop properties if you find a type argument property change it to queueitem …currently it might be object

Hope this helps


@Anil_G Thank you very much but for some reason as i type out the code you suggested

It does not recognize “SpecificContent”. Typically as you type UiPath gives you a drop down with available functions. For some reason “SpecificContent” is not a function available to me. i have seen the SpecificContent function in a YouTube video and tried it previously to making this post but i can not get it to work.


I am fairly new so any insight or suggestion would be appreciated.

Hi @Waterfowl_Waterfowl_hunte

Please find the refer the below thread.

Hope it helps!!!

You don’t need to add them to a datatable. Also, if you’re doing a transactional process you shouldn’t be using Get Queue Items. You should be using Get Transaction so it gets ONE queue item, sets it to In Progress, then you process it, loop around and get the next queue item.

I suggest looking at the Transactional Process template to see the basics.


did you select the type argument in for loop to queueitem?


  • have the Type Argument set to the below

    still no success. any recommendation on a different type argument?


That is a wrong type you set to…

It should be UiPath.core.queueitem


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