I’m trying to store the items from a queue into a DataTable. The activity I’ve attempted so far is the Orchestrator HTTP Request. I’m open to any ideas, but so far, I’ve had no success. The goal is to preferably retrieve items marked as “success.”
Estou tentando armazenar os itens de uma fila em uma Datatable. A atividade que tentei até agora foi o Orchestrator HTTP Request. Estou aberto a qualquer ideia, mas até o momento sigo sem sucesso. A ideia é trazer preferencialmente os itens com “sucesso”
That’s my error:
Argumento “DataRow”: BC30456: ‘SpecificContent’ is not a member of ‘DataTable()’.
Argumento “DataRow”: BC30456: ‘SpecificContent’ is not a member of ‘DataTable()’.
Argumento “DataRow”: BC36914: Cannot infer an element type, and Option Strict On does not allow ‘Object’ to be assumed. Specifying the type of the array might correct this error.
You don’t loop through the datatable. You loop through the variable in your Get Queue Items output. That variable is IEnumerable(of QueueItem) so the properties of currentItem are the same as they would be for a queue item (ie you can use .SpecificContent)
In Add Data Row i’m using:
ArrayRow: currentItem.SpecificContent(“Cnpj”).ToString
the error is: Argumento “DataRow”: BC30311: Value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘DataRow’. O valor selecionado é incompatível com o tipo de propriedade.
in For each Argument Type i use UiPath.Core.QueuItem
LinhaDados (Array Row) requires an array, not a single value. You are giving it a single value. An Array is a list of values with { and } around it, separated by commas:
{“Value1”,“Value2”,“Value3”} or of course you can use variables {Var1,Var2,Var3}. As you can see from my original reply:
And the number of items in that array has to match the number of columns in your datatable dt_Emp as defined by the Build Data Table activity (which I didn’t show).