Is there a way to convert datatable to queue item?

Is there a way to convert datatable to queue item?

I’m looping on datatable and each value on datatable is queue item on Orchestrator queue and I want to change the queue item to in progress and success every loop is there a way to do it?


First use bulk add queue item activity and pass the datatable as the entire datatable will added in the orchestrator queue.Then you can use loop put the get transaction item inside the loop by this way the queue item status will be changed to inprogress


Sreejith S S

I found a way but i think i need help maybe you can help me.

I’m using get queue items and how can I loop through the list and get the transaction item values?

Hi @joscares.

You can just try this in foreach.

item.SpecificContent(“Value in Transaction”).ToString

It retrieves you the value of key Value in Transaction.

Awais Ali Qamar.

What will be the for loop type argument?


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