How can i store multiple user id and passwords…can i store this in array?
Because what i have to do is i want to enter one by one user ids and password and i want to login it and then perform the steps for that user id…once the required steps is done for that user id it will logout and again it will login and it will enter another user id and pasword and do the required steps.
Create a configuration file, which could be a text file, JSON file, or any structured format. This file will store the UserIDs and encrypted passwords. You should ensure that this file is stored in a secure location with restricted access.
In your configuration file, store UserIDs alongside their corresponding encrypted passwords, so that you can associate each password with the correct user.
The encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt passwords should be stored separately from the configuration file. It should be securely managed and protected. It’s common to store the encryption key on a dedicated server with strict access controls.
You can store multiple user IDs and passwords in a data structure (e.g., configfile, an array or list) and then iterate through them to log in, perform steps, and switch to the next set of credentials as needed.