I have to download the file in today’s date folder. For this,
I create a folder with create folder as of today’s date. mmddyyyy----- Got Created
Q-Now after creating that folder, I want to download one file in that today’s date folder. how to do that, since the folder with today’s date will get created when the Bot is running.
Q-In Download, there can be multiple files, so can I download the file directly in the folder which is created by BOT with Today’s date?
you can use the path exist activity, and verify in the folder exist in a if condition, if exist the save the file, if not then create the folder and save on it.
something like this
Just let it go into Downloads, then Move File.
But I want to save the file in today’s date / timestamp folder, which is the previous step of downloading the file. How to get that folder path which is created just one activity before.
1.Create the folder with today’s date and timestamp
2.Download the file
3. Either move this downloaded file to the created folder or Directly download the file in the folder which is created in step 1.
How to give path of the directory, which is not created (The folder will get created while running the Bot)
to create the folder you have to provide the path, so this is your path + the name of the folder you created. thats what you will pass into your path exist.
I am sorry. I know that I have to give the path. But the folder which is not created yet, and will be created by Bot (with system’s date )how can i give that path?
now this will create a folder as of today- 04042022.
Folder is not existing, it is getting created while bot is running.
How to give path to move the file to the folder, which is getting created while bot runs
I got it.
I add the +system.datetime.now.tostring(mmddyyyy) after my directory path. File got copied to the directory which is created with today’s date by BOT
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