How to run automation after closing rdp


Version - we are using UiPath version 2021.4.4 and tasks are scheduled on task schedular.
Server setup - We have our Production server and UiPath is installed on server.we are
conencting same server with 4 different admin accounts and running
License - we have 4 named user UiPath enterprise attended licenses.

Issue - when we disconnect our server automation stops , UiPath unable to connect with browser or not able to perform any action for example click.

Please give me some solution as we need to run our automation at night time.
update what is the caue and possible solutions

You will need unattended licenses to run automation on server even if you are not signed in on that RDP machine.

The above advise is sound. Its against the licence terms to run an attended licence unattended.

Its also worth noting, UiPath 2021 is completely out of support so I strong suggest you upgrade.

ok if update version to latest and use unattended named user license then it will work right with task schedular

yes i have plan to upgrade too


Why you want to use task scheduler if unattended then you can schedule from orchestrator directly


Using the task scheduler, in my experience, is a tell tale sign of someone trying to get around the licencing agreement and associated costs, so I’d suggest anyone to avoid helping with making these things ‘work’ via the Task Scheduler.

Since you say you plan to upgrade I will give you the benefit of the doubt and encourage you to follow the sound advice from Anil and schedule your automations via the Orchestrator, if you want attended robot reminders the assistant has a calender function to help you remember to start them manually.