How to resume attended Process after action center suspension?

Maybe I’m not understanding something about how Action Center is supposed to work.

I’ve created a very simple process to test out action center. The process prompts the user to enter an amount to be reimbursed. Then the process creates a form task in Action Center. That person approves the request. When the process resumes, it sends an email to the requester telling him that his request has been approved.

Simple right? It works if I run it from Studio, because I can resume the process manually after it completes. But that’s not very useful is it? I published the process to Orchestrator and therefore the user can see it in his Assistant.

It was my hope that he’d be able to launch the process from his Assistant, and be prompted to enter the amount. This works. But after the task in Action Center has been completed. Nothing happens. The process doesn’t resume.

What did I do wrong? Or am I not understanding how it’s supposed to work?

Speaking of which. Curious about what happens during “suspension” period. Is it possible to see “suspended” actions from Orchestrator? Do they sit there and hold all the variables and the rest of the code waiting to run? Or just the variables and a bookmark to the code? I’m just really curious about how it works under the hood. If a process is run 100 times by 100 different people, are all of them suspended somewhere? Where? If one of you really smart people could explain it to me, I’d be much appreciative.

Hi @Terry_Marr,
did you add (Wait for Form Task and Resume) activity after the creation of action center ? if no please try it and update us if you still face any issue and if yes please if you can share with us. on the other hand you mentioned that user did this action via assistance and the process still on the suspended status so if this issue also appear if user handle it from action center directly ? if yes please make sure to add (Persistence Activities) into your project. please try and update us if you face any issue or questions :slight_smile:

Yes I have the persistence package.

Yes. the Supports Persistence flag is set.

Yes I have wait for form task and resume activity.

As I said, it works from studio, but if I publish to Orchestrator and run it from Assistant, it goes to Action Center then never resumes.


I don’t think we can resume the job in attended mode. Action centre is designed for unattended use case where use have only action centre to be human in loop.

So if you trigger the job from orchestrator as unattended then this code should work as expected.


Action center is to be used with unattended bots

In attended automation there are forms…the idea is like this…in attended you dont want someone else to control your flow…user is the head…so if the resume option works automatically then in middle of your work the bot can take over the ui and would try to perform actions

Check in unattended scenario and this would work exactly the same way that is the resume will happen immediately

When suspended then bot will store only the current variabe


I’m really confused now. I followed 2 tutorials on Action Center, one by Rakesh and one by Anders Jensen. In both of them, they created a process that shows a form to the user for some input. Then goes to action center and waits for approval from someone, then returns and shows a dialog box “approved”. They got it to work.

So are you saying that the Action Center cannot be used in any process launched from Assistant?

I don’t understand its purpose in that case.


For demo they would have used


See my new post here:


refrain from creating multiple topics…rather use one so that discussion is relavant and in one place
