How to refer to "Row" in update data row when using REframework with datatable

Hello, I’m using REframework with a datatable.

In Process.xaml I need to update a column value in that datarow being passed in as in_transactionitem (type datarow), what should be the input for row here?

also at the end of the process I need to write the updated datatable back in excel, with a sequence this would be done at the very end after all rows get processed, but with the reframework where should I place this piece? do I need to build another datatable and add each updated row one by one in Process.xaml?

Update the column value using an assign activity.
Assign in_transactionitem("MyColumnName") = MyValue

During the End Process State is where you want to put this piece. This ensures that it will have the most updated datatable put back into excel, even if it is interrupted with exceptions during the process.

thank you so much, much appreciated!

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