i want to extract all the excel data and paste into in email body , my condition is not as excel attachment. can any one suggest?
You can add the data in form of HTML format in the email body
For good understanding of how it works
You can check this
Nived N
Happy Automation
Can you send the sample excel file??.. @pradeep_kumar_gouda
pls chk attachment
ok checking
You can check this custom activity in Uipath Marketplace, @pradeep_kumar_gouda
Hope this may help you
By using above custom activity you will get email body as like this below,
Find this attached workflow, Uipath_AttachTableInEmailBody.xaml (6.2 KB) and just add this attached nupkg package using settings in your studio, NovigoSolutions.DatatableToHtml.Activities.1.0.0.nupkg (9.6 KB)
Hope this may help you