How to pass test data to test data queue using argument?

How to pass test data to test data queue using argument ?

Please see:


You are very kind for trying to help. I’m afraid that’s not much help at all – the ‘how’ isn’t outlined in either of those links, nor are examples given. With syntax being the nature of the programming beast, I’m afraid actually seeing it in a working case is oftentimes the best way to catch on. What are the chances you’ve had luck getting test data in a working test case that wouldn’t be impossible for you to share @Horea_Soanca?

You don’t use arguments to put things into a queue. You either upload a csv file in Orchestrator, or you add items to the queue using Add Queue Item, Bulk Add Queue Items, Add Transaction, etc.


Attached is a small sample project.
It includes 2 test cases which both use a test data queue.
The project also contains the json schema for the queue.

BR (4.4 KB)