Feedback about certain aspects when Test Data Variation Source is Set as Test Data Queue

Hi Team,

I’m currently using UiPath Studio 2022.10.1 and checking out the Testing Activities with the following project dependencies:

I configured the Test Data Variations Source for one of the Test Case as Test Data Queues:

This creates a input argument on the Test Case called test_Data which is a Dictionary and when we execute the test case from Orchestrator the Test Case is executed for all variations (Queue Items) in the Test Data Queue.

However, my analysis revealed that only the Properties Added to the Queue Item are passed on to test_Data (Input Argument to Test Case)

It would be great if we had the following features:

  1. Execute the test case only for those Data Variations (Queue Items) where ‘Is-Consumed’ is False (It can be achieved my making Is-Consumed available via input argument or Filtering the Items before the Test Case Executions are created)
  2. An activity similar to ‘Set Transaction Status’ to Mark ‘Is-Consumed’ as True once the Test Case is executed for a given Data Variation (Queue Item) in Test Data Queue

Thanks & Regards,

Hello @Nithin_P

As per my understanding, if you are using the Test Suite, it will automatically set the testdata as Is-Consumed.


Hi @Rahul_Unnikrishnan,

Thanks for your response. However, what I mentioned is about using Test Data Variation Source as Test Data Queue.

In this approach we don’t have use the ‘Get Test Data Queue Item’ Activity & Implement any looping logic to pick Queue Items One After another. In this approach Orchestrator will fetch all the queue items in the Test Data Queue and Set off Execution of Test Case (One Job Per Data Variation) [Queue Item].

Do try this new feature and let me know if you find any ways to achieve the results as I mentioned in my original post. I believe those features have to be added in by UiPath Team as it’s not available out of the box.

Sample Test Execution:


@Nithin_P Let me check and try it once. Thanks for the info.


Hi Nithin,
That’s how this feature was designed: it should take all items in the Test Data Queue (no matter the Consumed status) and run the test case for each of them.


@Nithin_P @Rahul_Unnikrishnan @agi Hi everyone,
I am using this Test Data Queue as Data Variation source as you described and import successfully the data, however in the studio i do not have the option to Run file with data variations and it takes just the first item in my queue so iterations through all items does not work. Could anyone help please?

I have similar issue when adding the data source as test data queue.