I´m trying to move a direcotry with its files to another path using “copy file”, but it doesn´t work. copy file
You can create a new folder and use Move File (using foreach)
or you may use
Directory.Move(sourceDir, destinationDir);
Thank you @vvaidya. I want to use the second option, Directory.Move(sourceDir, destinationDir); but I don’t know where I have to put that instruction because it doesn´t return any value
Hi ELanchas.
You can use the activity invoke method, in the Programming → Execute → Invoke Method.
Here is another topic that might give you more information on how to use it. Move a file or Rename a file
Note : Using the “move” it moves the file . It’s != copy. Make sure you know what you need.
Thank you @vvaidya, @Pedro_Pereira,
it works perfectly. Really I want to copy the directory, not move, but it seems that copy method doesn´t exist for Directory.
Folder Copy needs to by done file by file (foreach)
Hi @vvaidya @ELanchas
Could you please share the sample project with us? regarding the folder move !!!
i tryed this methode but it says: Move did not exist in system.IO.directory
we can use Copy Directory method of FileSystem. here is the exampleCopyLogs.xaml (7.4 KB)
If destination folder is exist even though it will execute.
Please see following thread, looks similar to me.