How to manage Action Center tasks that arrive bit by bit

Hi all
I am working on a project and I have some doubts related to Action Center that I am not able to clarify just by using the UiPath documentation.

We are implementing a process through a Robotic Enterprise Framework that will run every 15 minutes processing transactions, some of which require user input through Action Center to complete the processing.

On the average, we receive 30 transactions per day that require human-in-the-loop verification, and usually they will be processed by different runs of the Robotic Enterprise Framework process.

So, if we conclude our ReFramework with creating form tasks and waiting for their completion (using for instance a variant of this template UiPath Action Center Workflow Templates), we might have something like 30 processes contemporary suspended on the orchestrator.

Sometimes our users answer the tasks in a short time, but in many cases tasks may remain pending in the Action Center for days.

I see two options to manage this situation:
1) We can set up a solution in which we wait for the tasks using a WaitForFormTaskAndResume activity, but in this case we will have tens of suspended processes contemporary on the orchestrator
2) As an alternative, we might set up a solution in which we do not wait for anything but instead we create a process that runs, let us say, every 30 minutes polling for the completed tasks using the GetFormTasks activity, and if it finds any completed task does the necessary processing

Which might be a recommended design solution in such a situation?


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