Action Center UiPath Forms for multiple users

Hi guys!

I have a question - I have a flow on Action Center UiPath Forms, where I check if there is exactly one pending request task and if not, I create a pending task for any of the 5 requestors (each person in separate catalog)

So: 5 people - for each email in this group - if no pending task → create and assign task

how do I incorporate Wait and Resume Action within the flow so that the bot adds pending job to the orchestrator whenever any of these users will complete their task? Should it be within the for each loop, or outside of it?

Since I can only pass singular FormTaskData Output, how do I tell the bot to React on any of the 5 FormTaskData to be completed/triggered?

This is what I have so far:
Main.xaml (13.4 KB)

Could you please explain this part ? Sorry unable to get it !

I have John, Mike, Ralph and Connor, all are inspectors on site, and all of them need to have possibility to fill out a form with Site data at any time.

So I need to create a workflow where I will make sure there is always one survey available for each of them, and whenever any of them decides to fill out the form, it should be processed by bot and a new one created just for him.

I figured it out by creating a process that starts a separate job for each of the workers and then whenever it is completed, it takes the data and store them somewhere and create a new survey for an infinite loop. So my question from the first post is answered :slight_smile:

Okay great so you solved it then !

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