How To Make Dynamic Table Row

Hi All,

I am trying to make the TableRow attribute dynamic using a variable.

I have taken a default value then assign that default value=1 to variable abd replace the attribute value with variable . However its not working .I need to click the invoice Link and each invoice link Table row value is different. Please let me know how to make the Tablerow value dynamic


Hi Yoichi,

I have raised a topic in forum regrading dynamic Table row. could you please help on that.


Its failing. I tried other method using For Each DataTable by converting the rows into Data Table but still not able to click.


please show what you tried?

did you happen to increment?





is it clickig on same row or is it failing?



its failing. Attached the code. Please have a look (1.2 MB)


Also one more thing , the moment it tries to click, the Uielement becomes/opaque grey and click is not able to interact. Its focussing but unable to click.


Try to use hardware events input method and check

I hope the selector is validating when you give a default value to the counter and validate



As the Invoice# row starts from 2, I have given initial counter value as 2 and incrementing. Its validating but not clicking. Checked with Hardware Events also.It doesnot work. It fails. Any extensions need to be added for Grayed elements

What happens when you click one, does it open in a new tab/window? What if you CTRL+click? In situations where you need to click row by row you should be using For Each UI Element, or Extract Table Data then loop and click.


I did using Extract Data Table.Click is not working though its highlighting and not throwing error but unable to interact with UI Element. The UI Element is Opague/Greyed Out here

That means your selector isn’t correct. The selector needs to point to the link itself which is usually tag=‘A’ - open UI Explorer, indicate one of the links, and post a screenshot of UI Explorer including the properties in the top right.



Manually are you able to click? When you say greyed manually also its not working?



Manually I am able to click

Your selector is pointing to a SPAN not the link itself. Are you sure you’re clicking the actual link when indicating the element?

Use the Visual Tree in the upper left to drill down under the SPAN and see if you can find the A element (the link itself)


Somehow its clicking now but the last two elements where the link is in double line its not clicking. From AXA PPP its not clicking

Its clicking till BRL Test1 but last two where link is in double line its not clicking though I have used the same selector with Tablerow variable


Check may be the class of them is different…if different use wild cards …if not then is it highlighting those rows?


You shouldn’t be manually incrementing tablerow to click what you want, you should be using the data from the first column in your extraction as the aaname value in the selector.