Its highlighting those rows. Just not clicking. Its just Tablerow differs for all the links
Only the last two where the links are in two lines its not clicking. All single line links its able to click.
I repeat…incrementing tablerow isn’t an efficient way to do it. And as I mentioned earlier, your selector is pointing at a SPAN tag not the link itself.
Your selector is pointing to a SPAN not the link itself. Are you sure you’re clicking the actual link when indicating the element?
Use the Visual Tree in the upper left to drill down under the SPAN and see if you can find the A element (the link itself)
Not the Property Explorer, the Visual Tree above it. Expand it and find the indicated SPAN. There should be child elements inside the SPAN.
This one?
Yes. Click the >
next to SPAN to expand it.
Actually it looks like the A tag is above the SPAN. Right-click that A tag and make it the indicated element.
I clicked. Its just SPAN
The A tag (the HTML tag for a link) is above the SPAN. Right click it and make it the indicated element.
Now you have the actual link as your selector. On the right side you should see aaname as one of the properties. Use that (and likely ONLY that) in your selector, and make it dynamic from your extracted data. Now the tablerow is irrelevant, it’ll look for the link by name.
But my aaname is dynamic. I can not put wild cards also as each aaname differs
You don’t use wildcards.
You use the value from your extracted data (I assume you’re looping through the datatable) for the aaname.
If your selector is…
"<webctrl aaname='some text' />"
You replace “some text” with a variable or expression:
"<webctrl aaname='" + CurrentRow("columname").ToString + "' />"
May be its clicking between the two lines
Try to use a click offset…check the click properties and give may be 5 and 5 is x and y and select left top
Thanks to @Anil_G and @postwick It somehow worked finally with Trial and Error. I used Offset click and as well as @postwick suggested to replace aaname with variable. Thanks to all the wonderful people for helping me
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