Problem with tableRow variable

Hello. I have set a simple variable for the tableRow attribute, but Studio insists that it is not defined. (I have used it both as a string and and int but the problem remains)

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The following topic will help you.

If you set defualt value of tableRowId variable in variable panel, this message will disappear.


Hello Gordon,

I could see that you are trying to use the value for creating a dynamic selector.

Use an Assign Activity, Create a variable of type string and assign the value as

Once this String is created you can pass it instead of selector in you Click Activity, Click Activity → Properties → target → Selector.

Please Try and Let me know.

If this answer helps you, Please mark this as solution.


Happy Automating.

Hello hope you are doing well,

Try entering default value from variable pannel.
After setting a default value it will not show the following error.

Hope it helps you.
Please et us know!

Hello. I have noticed that message disappears after setting default value, but the problem is that it always uses the default value!
If tableRowId is 2 and default is 5, it will always use 5. So problem is not solved.

Hello user,

You can try passing “” this double quote in default value section.

This will work for sure.
Please let me know.
Thank you!

Still not working:

Here is what selection screen is showing now (can select nothing):

Please try the method of default value it will work just add “” quotes in default value expression.

Please refer to img

In image you can look into how variable is passed with no error.

Please let me know if this helps you.

Still doesn’t work: “Element not found”

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In the Assign of Selector string , Can you please try using
Once ?

I already told you I did. It didn’t work.

Hey @Gordon_Freeman ,

I have removed the ’ before and after the variable name.

Could you try one time with the latest snippet.


Still not working. Here is the workflow and you can try by yourself: (139.1 KB)


This is the way. We will configure the selector with dynamic variable like this.

Though it shows error while editing but that’s fine.

See bot running:
Dynamic Selector

Updated code: (6.1 KB)

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! It works like a charm.

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