I have a task where I need to input a date value to run the report from a date that is 10 days before the current date, I had performed the following steps:
assigned a variable ‘effectivedatevar’ as today.AddDays(-10)
Type into activity to type into the date field by effectivedatevar.ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)
my field where i need to type into looks like this
But if I run the above the type into activity does not work, It doesn’t throw an error but it doesn’t work. Any help on this is appreciated
Try with this buddy
— a string variable named effectivedatevar with value like this
effectivedatevar = Now.ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)
— use type into activity with input as effectivedatevar.Tostring
Where enable the property like
Simulatetype, in the type into activity property panel
But before that make sure that field takes input as MM/dd/yyyy as input and try that manually before getting to above steps
Hope this would help you buddy
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Ashish_Mehra
For some reason the clickbefore typing is not working. I tried it manuall to click and type, it inputs the value within the field , but its not working within the type into activity, any further help on this ?