Click the date today

Hi all,

I am currently developing a robot for creating report based on turned down invoices and I want my robot to click the current date:


and then tomorrow that it clicks 2 etc. But I have no idea how to do that so if someone could help me that would be much appreciated.

With kind regards,



From selecting calendar menu it’s very difficult to do this.

Other alternative is to can we enter date directly instead of selecting from calendar menu ?

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Dear @Lakshman,

Thanks for the quick response. But yea that’s a good alternative could you help me with that?

With kind regards,


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Use Type Into activity and type date.

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I am now getting this:


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Yah we can use type into activity with input as Now.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)
And enable simulate type activity property in the property panel of type into activity

Cheers @ukjtenhoven

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Could you please go to that exclamation mark and show me what error are you getting here.

And also make sure it should be of type string.

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@Palaniyappan @lakshman

I got this now:


But it does not type anything in the field…

With kind regards,


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Is it throwing any error
Or may I know what format of date does that field takes in
Cheers @ukjtenhoven


Manually are you able to type the date or not ?

Hi @ukjtenhoven,
Instead of type into activity, try using set text activity. It will work.

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