Hello colleagues, I am trying to execute a job through the orchestrator API, but I get the following error
Some of the robots provided don’t exist.
This is the request I am sending
“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “2e5955b7-1137-4b07-8273”,
“Strategy”: “Specific”,
“RobotIds”: [
“NoOfRobots”: 0,
“JobsCount”: 0,
“Source”: “Manual”,
“InputArguments”: “{"Info: ":"Launch from Power Automate"}”
And the previous data I get from this result
“Key”: “2e5955b7-1137-4b07-8273”,
“ProcessKey”: “ReportecBot”,
“ProcessVersion”: “1.0.19”,
“IsLatestVersion”: false,
“IsProcessDeleted”: false,
“Description”: “Wizard for updating budget, technical management and VAR card reports”,
“Name”: “Report Bot”,
“EnvironmentID”: null,
“EnvironmentName”: “”,
“EntryPointId”: 758997,
“InputArguments”: null,
“ProcessType”: “Process”,
“SupportsMultipleEntryPoints”: true,
“RequiresUserInteraction”: true,
“IsAttended”: null,
“IsCompiled”: false,
“AutoUpdate”: false,
“FeedId”: “719625af-08fd-4a0c-8b93-cd9dcbc2552f”,
“JobPriority”: “Normal”,
“SpecificPriorityValue”: 45,
“OrganizationUnitId”: 883844,
“OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName”: “Cafe/ColCafe”,
“CreationTime”: “2022-07-08T23:13:44.82Z”,
“CreatorUserId”: 94533,
ID: 9020102,
I am taking the value of the RobotId from the Id tag of the orchestrator API result, Why it tells me that the robot does not exist?