I am using new Cloud Orchestrator, when I run the job manually from Orchestrator its running with out any issues.
But when
I am trying to start job from Postman using API I have to provide RobotId hence when I try to get robot id by using the below API it was told that the count=0.
"@odata.context": "https://cloud.uipath.com/XXX/PoCTenant/orchestrator_/odata/$metadata#Robots",
**"@odata.count": 0,**
"value": []
But when I try to fetch all the robots using “UiPath”
it was given " ```
“@odata.context”: “UiPath”,
“@odata.count”: 2,
“value”: [
I have tried to start the job by providing robotId from above API response but failed with below error
**"message": "Could not find a machine with Unattended or NonProduction runtimes in the current folder",**
** "errorCode": 2818,**
** "resourceIds": null**
Please suggest how to fix this in new cloud Orchestrator .