I’m developing below robot now.
Open specified web page which has long content(means, to see all content, scroll down is required)
Get screen capture and save image.
Scroll down should be made on the site.
Go back to 1) for getting all web content’s screen capture.
Now, I know for scroll down on the web page, send hot key(space key) is required, but I have one problem.
The problem is that I don’t know hot to let the robot detect the end of web site(scroll down end).
Could anybody please tell me how to let the robot get all screen captures on the web site which has long content?
Or could anybody please tell me how to let the robot detect the end of scrolling?
Hi c.ciprian,
Thank you a lot for your prompt response!!
But I’m very sorry, because of my mistake, I haven’t written the rules which I need to keep.
Below are the rule in my case.
The browser which the robot can use is i.e.11 only.
Any add in or add on software can not be used.
On above condition, if anybody knows the solution of my problem, please help me…
(Erik van Gemert)
September 17, 2018, 8:44am
One thing that pops into my mind is that you could check if the last screenshot is the same as the current picture on screen. So before you make the screenshot, use ‘Image Exists’ and pass in the last screenshot as an Image variable to check if it currently exists on screen. If it does, you can break out of the loop. Because the screenshots no longer change, you can conclude you’ve reached the bottom of the page. This only works if the webpage has no moving elements though, I guess.
(Ciprian Constantinescu)
September 17, 2018, 8:52am
Try this and see if you can get the % of scroll (when you reach 100% you’re done)
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Hi c.ciprian, evangemert
Thank you very much for your advice!!
I’ll try both way and report the result in this forum later!
Hi c.ciprian, evangemert
Thank you for your advice again.
I checked your suggestion(both ways), and confirmed working well.
Thank you for your help!
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November 15, 2018, 10:19am
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