How to extract dynamic text from website which is in HTML table?

Hello experts !

I got a scenerio where i have to extract text from HTML table. Every time i enter new code, it generated new HTML table therefore its been hard for me to extract that dynamic text. That dynamic text can be found always at last row of HTML table.
How can i do that ??

Hello @Prabin_Chand

Please try with Data scrapping or table extraction to fetch the table data.

UiPath- Table Extraction| How to extract table and pattern based data| Extract URLs

I think this video is only for one static table.

But in my case: i got CodeNumber in Excel sheet in column A, where i have to move through each number and hit into the website but while doing so, data table changes everytime then how i will be able to exact the text (using table exatraction) which is inside for each loop.

If possible please share the screenshot of the page

and i wan to get 1st column last row value which is dynamic


Extract the entire data and do filters…

You can’t extract dynamic data from table…

After extracting the entire table then only you can do modifications


how to extract entire data?
using table extraction ? or what?


If you’re using Modern Design Experience you can use Table extraction…


If you’re using Classic Design Experience you can use Data Scraping


yes, i am using modern desing,
but the complexity with table extraction is: it only extract the data that is pointed at first glance, if the table changes it can’t extract those table.

what can i do now ?


First use clear data table activity!

Even if the data is changed in the table, Table extraction will extracts the entire data even if data changed…


This is my sequence Screenshot.
As u said i did, but its not working,

It is able to capture 1st table but 2nd time when table changes it is not able to extract the table


The structure of the data table is same or different?


Structure is same but data is different


Yeah got it,

Use Build data table → Create the columns…

Extract the data → Pass the Build data table output

At the end use Clear data table

Try this and let me know


i have build the data table using "Build data table " activity,
then i used table extraction which type is dataTable . now , how can i add those extracted data to Build data table.

YEs, i have done it as you said but it’s not working !

Just pass the build data table output to Extract structured data table


Could you please provide the website will create a workflow for you!


Send me the xaml


I will send you my work flow.

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