How to Extract data table with user keyword input

So A message box will pop up and ask the user what he or she wishes to search.
After keying in, uipath will go to and search the user’s input and extract the data like the name, price and country of the product. All the information will be made into a sorted and filtered excel file.
I am currently stuck at the extract data table as I can’t figure out how to use the user input to auto search and get information of the product listing.
Help will be appreciated, if you could show a demo of the whole process it would be great

Hi @VinSze_SC

Welcome to Uipath community

Based on my Understanding

  1. Use Build DataTable activity → Store it as Dt_Build (Which contains 3 Column name)
    → Use Open Browser activity → Browser Type as → Chrome


  1. Read the input excel file → Using Read Range activity Store it as Dt_Read

  2. Use For each row in data table activity → Dt_Read

  3. Use Input Dialog box activity
    - Get the user input and store it in a variable Or Based on the input excel pass the Column name Currenrow("Column Name").Tostring

  4. Extract all the Data that you needed

  5. Use Add Data Row activity


  1. Out Side the for each use Write range activity Pass the Dt as Dt Build


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HI @VinSze_SC

Welcome to community !!

You can use Input dialog box activity

Create a variable in the field athat will will store the value which is entered by the user

SO dataScrapping will work dynamically so you only need to search the item you need and after loading you can scrap the data and write in the excel


Hello @VinSze_SC

Here you can input dialogue activity to get user input and then use that value to search in the application using TypeInto activity.

Then use Table extraction to fetch the Table or pattern based data.

UiPath- Table Extraction| How to extract table and pattern based data| Extract URLs
