How to Empty the Whole Box to type new comment

Hello All,

I am beginner to Ui Path and this is my first Post in Forum.

I tried to update a field in a web page through type into activity. The field may or may not have the data already. I have to empty the entire field and update new comment. I tried with Empty Field property in type into activity. This property erases only the first line of the field and leads to overlapping of new and old comment.


Can anyone help with the solution to empty the whole box before typing the new comment.


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Hi @RajPavithran,
Welcome to the Community!
In right pane of Type Into activity you have special checkbox:


Hi @Pablito

Thanks for the response,

I have tried already with Empty Field property in type into activity. This property erases only the first line of the field and leads to overlapping of new and old comment. Please find the below screenshot

Consider the below comment is already present in the box and I need to replace with new comment which I have filled in Bot. This Empty Field property erases only “a” in the first line and my bot overlapping my comment along with “b” in the second line.


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Well… Then you can just use Send Hotkey activity with “ctrl + a” shortcut, after this another one with “backspace” and then type into :slight_smile:


Welcome to UiPath community
you were almost done

First lets get into the reason why you were not able to delete the line
–i hope the first line gets deleted due to empty field property as that property usually takes the current line into consideration and deletes that line alons
–thats the reason why we were not able to delte the second line

so to rectify this
–use send hot key and use key ctrl+a
–then again use send hot key activity and use key back

this is how we usually do with our keyboard instead of going with mouse

hope this would help you
kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarfication
Cheers @RajPavithran

Thanks @Palaniyappan and @Pablito


Great job guys, it works for me.


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