How to disable the new PiP session of my process?

Hi All

I’m facing the PIP issue
When I try to run and new project , old project it will creating new PIP session
how to disable it
I want to run any project same desktop
How to change setting
Can any one help me

Try to disable the Run in PiP from UiPath Assistant.

Open UiPath Assistant → find the process in the list → More actions → Show Automation details → disable Run in PiP

More details:

Also, check how to publish the project for PiP Options:

If a process has been tested and can be safely run in PiP, you can mark it it as such from the Project Settings in Studio.

From the same menu, you can also set it to start by default in Picture-in-Picture, and choose the PiP technology you want to use:

  • PiP Options:
    • Tested for PiP Usage; Starting in PiP - The automation has been approved to run in PiP mode. When run, it starts in PiP by default.
    • Tested for PiP Usage; Not starting in PiP by default - The automation has been approved to run in PiP mode. When run, it starts in the main session by default.
    • Not tested for PiP usage - The automation has not been approved to run in PiP mode. When run, it starts in the main session by default.


In conclusion, you may try to republish with on of the last 2 options.

Reference: Picture in Picture

Hi @marian.platonov,

Thank you for the post.

Do you know of a configuration which removes the option in the assistant?

Usecase: The Automation User does not need to see an option of PiP at all. They will be greeted with a form which collects the necessary information from them. They will not need a PiP to run their automation.


I don’t know if such a feature exists, but you can control it either in the project settings or via the Studio Governance policy.

In project.json


In the governance policy JSON file:

"default-pip-type": "ChildSession",
"default-pip-type-allow-edit": true,


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