How to initially disable the Take Control option, when pip session starts and how other parameters can be configured for PIP window ?
Issue Description:
Due to having the Take Control option enabled for the first PIP session launched, there are chances that clicking on the window might take focus on the unwanted Application/Window.
This can be configured by the file:
- C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\UiPath\ChildSession.json
Screenshot :
The parameters are described as
WindowMinimized :
- true: PIP session launches in a minimized state
- false: PIP session launches in a visible state with the position mentioned in WindowNormalPositon parameter
- true: PIP session launches with the Keep on top option enabled
- false: PIP session launches with the Keep on top option disabled
- true: PIP session launches with the Take Control option enabled
- false: PIP session launches with the Take Control option disabled