How To Disable Control Option When Pip Session Starts?

How to initially disable the Take Control option, when pip session starts and how other parameters can be configured for PIP window ?

Issue Description:
Due to having the Take Control option enabled for the first PIP session launched, there are chances that clicking on the window might take focus on the unwanted Application/Window.


This can be configured by the file:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\UiPath\ChildSession.json

Screenshot :


The parameters are described as

WindowMinimized :

  • true: PIP session launches in a minimized state
  • false: PIP session launches in a visible state with the position mentioned in WindowNormalPositon parameter


  • true: PIP session launches with the Keep on top option enabled
  • false: PIP session launches with the Keep on top option disabled


  • true: PIP session launches with the Take Control option enabled
  • false: PIP session launches with the Take Control option disabled

That worked