How to delete a queue item that is in progress and stuck?

Hi, I am trying to delete all items in my queue but there is one item which is in progress and stuck probably because I stopped process execution halfway. How do I delete this?

Delete the Queue and re-add again the Queue with the same name.

Check if that particular transaction has an option to remove as shown below else delete queue and re-add.


Unfortunately there is no way within Orchestrator to delete an ‘In Progress’ queue item, but via code you can do this:

  1. Get all the ‘In Progress’ queue items
  2. Set the status all of those to ‘Failed’
  3. Get all the ‘Failed’ queue items
  4. Delete all the ‘Failed’ queue items

How did you get those activities? “Get Queue Items: In Progress” isn’t in my list of activities that can be selected. Can you give more details how you built this?


its get queue item activity and within that you have to set a filter