Hi there,
I was trying to remove a file from the orchestrator’s queue item. The status is ‘in progress’. Can anyone help how to remove it?
Hi there,
I was trying to remove a file from the orchestrator’s queue item. The status is ‘in progress’. Can anyone help how to remove it?
You can set it to failed first using get queue items from queue then it can be removed or deleted accordingly
Get queue items with filter on inprogress
Then use set transaction status activity and set it to successful or failed
Is there any way that I can do that while in orchestrator? Since I do not want to touch the source code. This has already been published and running in prod unattended.
Is there any way that I can do that while in [orchestrator]? Since I do not want to touch the source code. This has already been published and running in prod unattended. Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately there is no way directly through orchestrator other than deleting queu and recreatinng…
For doing this …we generally have one peocess created just to remove queue items that are left in in progress or wait till 24 hours so that they can be removed
I see. Thanks!
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