We are getting the document understanding output in 4 sheets fro dataset that contains table (0) for simple data, table(1) for Simple - formatted, Table(2) for Item data, table(3) for item - formatted. i want to combine the data from table(1) and Table(3) and write it to a single xml file. please guide how to do it.
Merge two tables into a single table. Make sure both tables contain the same schema.
If not, I recommend keep it separate and create two xml files.
To convert data table to xml file, follow the below link.
DataTable.WriteXml Method (System.Data) | Microsoft Learn
In-built method of Data Table allows to export table into xml format. To view how the final xml looks like, refer the given link.
The schema of the two data tables is different. we want to write both in same xml file one below another.