How To Close Restore Pages Pop Up In Chrome?

How to close Restore Pages pop up in Chrome ?

Approach #1: Do the below steps to disable the same Pop-up on the Robot machine,

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Type chrome://flags/#infinite-session-restore in address bar (Crtl+L).
  3. Click on the right drop-down menu and change the 'Default' value to 'Disable'. Then restart Chrome to apply that setting.

Approach #2:

  1. Go to C:\Users<>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  2. Right click on preferences file
  3. Open with Notepad
  4. Search for “exit_type”
  5. Change the values to “exit_type” : “none”,
  6. Save the file and closed.
  7. Restart Chrome

Approach #3: